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What do you need to succeed?

Mindsets of Champions

What ever you do in life you need attitude and this depends on what mindset you have. Psychologists say that there are two mindsets:

1. The fixed mindset (a non -learner) is someone who will take the easy option every time and will only be satisfied with 100% success. People with the fixed mindset see intelligence as getting a 100% in a test in a short period of time.

2. The Growth mindset ( a learner) is someone who craves a challenge and sees failure as a chance to improve and they prefer working harder at something over a longer period of time. They see intelligence as learning new things that they didn't previously know. 

The Diagram to the right displays these said mindsets and the video below is a talk from Carol Dweck P.H.D who developed the idea.

General Successful Traits noticed across the people interviewed.

The top three attributes I saw across all the people I interviewed were:

1.Hard Work



What is Success?


For me success is when you are in a point in your life that doesn’t matter about looks, wealth or possessions. Its on the inside not just charisma, thought and compassion (however these to are also vital). It’s about initiative, ideas and a passion for what you do. It is when you wake up every morning and you know you are happy and you can see how lucky you are.

If you want more then you have to think how can I become more successful. Achieving this goal isn't easy, for me I would say to achieve these goals you have to dream big then plan what the most important things are to you, you have to be willing to sacrifice things you love to carry on, make sure you appreciate the journey that is responsible for leading to the gdos times and most importantly you have to make a commitment to grow daily so you can achieve all these goals and expand on your success.

Favourite quotes:


"The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Phil Kerr


"Stand up to be seen, speak up to be heard, But! Shut up to be appreciated." - Precious McKenzie


"No one person is any more important or less important than any one else." - Judy Bailey


"Don’t look backwards, look forwards make sure you are doing something you are enjoying and make sure you are willing to take advice from people." - Sir Peter Gluckman 


"There is no 'I' in team" - Bianca Russell

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