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Questions with Cedric Jackson

Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to interview Cedric but I sent my questions to the community partnership manager who managed to ask him my list of questions below.

What three attributes do you think you require in order to succeed in today’s competitive world of Basketball?


Hard work, be a great shooter and be able to defend.

What one piece of advice would you give to a young person embarking upon their new career path?


Stay level headed, don’t give in to adversity.

At what age did you decide you wanted to be a professional basketball player and why?


15, high schools coach encouragement.


How important have your friends and family been in terms of realising your dreams?


Very important, they got me to the right places to play in front of the right people.

Who has been your greatest influence professionally on your basketball career and why?


My coach from Cleveland State and his assistants.

Can you describe the most defining moment of your basketball career?


Winning college championship, going to the NCAA tournament and graduating.

What does your training routine involve or require and how often do you train and when you do how long for?


5 days a week, 4 hours a day on court or in the gym. Video, scouting, promotional work on top of that.


How important has your team been in helping you to achieve the sporting excellence you have?


Helping me in having a chance to be a winner.

What have you done to overcome your biggest life challenges?


Stay humble and resilient, pray and don’t lose faith in yourself.

In your own words, what is the key to success?


Hard work every day and NO shortcuts

What is the greatest challenge you have faced and how did you overcome this?


I was injured in college which at that point of my ‘career’ was really hard to take, as with my professional career, I just had to keep optimistic, have faith in my strength/conditioning/rehabilitation team and not rush back early.

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