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For more information about Phil, click here to find out about his amazing book available for purchase! (right).

Peoples thoughts on Phil


  • "Phil and I have been friends for more than fifty years... He had the opportunity to be part of these decades on the inside, closely connected to the teams and all the racing and can thus provide insight into this era (of their motorsports career) that is fresh and a personal view of it". - Sir Jack Brabham OBE

  • Phil had a long and successful association with Jack Brabham, Bruce Mclaren and their respective teams and was as involved as anyone with the inside happenings in Formula one, Can-am, and other forms of racing. He is certainly well qualified to provide an honest and accurate account of motor racing from these years". - Bernie Ecclestone

Phil and Bruce Mclaren.

Phil Kerr - Motorsports Formula 1 racer and manager

Phil Kerr is an amazing New Zealander who is very well known in the international world of motorsports. He has had a huge impact on Formula 1, Can-am and Indy 500. Phil has had a full and varied career with many highs as well as lows. Dealing with personal and painful tragedy along the way. Despite this Phil remains a positive and encouraging role model for those interested in the world of motor sports.


Phil was born in Auckland in 1934. His career in motorsports began in 1951, where he was racing an Austin seven at a hill climb event, it was here that he first met Bruce McLaren who was also racing in the same type of car. The two men quickly established an eternal friendship. At that point in time Phil was studying business studies at university as well as fitting in some racing into his busy schedule. After finishing university Phil started working for a small engineering business that made Buckler cars, which Phil raced with. Racing these cars caused Phil to gain recognition and become the secretary to the biggest automobile club in New Zealand (The Auckland Car Club). Soon after securing this prestigious position Phil also became a member of the board of the New Zealand international Grand Prix association.


In 1958 a list of names were put forward of New Zealand drivers for the upcoming European races. His friend Bruce McLaren beat Phil to the spot and Bruce was sent to the UK. A year later Bruce said to Jack Brabham another key figure in the world of motor racing that Phil would be the perfect man to run Bruce’s campaign, due to his motor racing background and his business acumen. Phil moved to the UK to set up the Headquarters for the operation with Jack Brabham. Bruce and Phil together created the formula one McLaren team, with Phil becoming the joint managing director of the team.


1970 was a tragic year for Phil and all of motor racing world as their dear friend Bruce McLaren was killed in a car accident. Phil managed to carry the team forward and hold them together to continue competing in international motor sports.


Phil headed back to New Zealand in 1974 to set up a motor vehicle engineering company, which became known as the McLaren Group, a tribute to his dear friend. The McLaren Group has expanded over the years and now successfully offers: business consultancy, project management and IT input. . Phil continues to work with the McLaren Groups and remains the director.


Phil Kerr is an amazing man with many more fascinating stories to tell. It was amazing meeting him and hearing about his key to success. I highly recommend taking a look at his book 'To Finish First'. Phil has done an amazing amount in promoting motor sports both in New Zealand and globally. He has had an incredible life and has lots of interesting stories to share as well as meeting an array of other amazing people. Phil said to me at the end of the interview that 'the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.'

To see the interview, type watch

Sadly Phil passed away at the weekend on the 22nd of August 2015 aged 80 years old. Phil was a truly inspiring man with a heart of gold and a mind with a passion for motorsports. I had the great pleasure of meeting and interviewing him for this school project. I was deeply touched by his kindness, interest in what I was doing and his enthusiasm for life and adventure.


Rest In Peace Phil

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